Breakfast in Paradise

free verse poetry

James G Brennan
Published in
1 min readAug 3, 2020


Image by Julius Silver from Pixabay

It’s quite a thing to be sitting here
In the warm shade
Amongst exotic plants and
Young coconut trees,
Having the food I ordered
Brought to me by a pleasant
Waitress with a beaming smile.

Always appreciating the privilege,
I am lucky enough to afford these
Precious moments in life.
To savour my muesli fruit yoghurt
With an aromatic, rich coffee while
Taking in the view of a
Beautiful golden sanded beach.

People frolicking and swimming
In a calm aqua sea,
Almost like a lake
Under a deep blue cloudless sky,
A shimmering Sun
Pouring its energy to light up
All we see giving it blissful life.

Oh yes, not one moment is taken for granted
As I sit here relaxing, relishing this place
Eating and drinking these delicious delights
In an exotic land I now call home,
Locked into this paradise, I never want to leave,
And leave, I shall not.

Thank you, Christina M. Ward and the POM team for giving my words a platform… Thank you for reading. J.



James G Brennan

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.