I would love to chat with you about this over several beer’s Pablo! Secret of life? Do what makes you happy without hurting others and not being affraid of change. I watched Dune at the cinema when I was 18, when Duke Lito Atradies said to his son paul. “without change something inside us sleeps, the sleeper must awaken" I kind of made it a mission. I played drums in a band, then I toured with bands, I went through life upheaval’s changing every 10 years all against the advice of others. However, I never had children and have that close up personal contact. I’ve helped me family of course, it’s not the same, something is missing.
So living on the beach is my recompense, my wife has her granddaughter with us at the moment and we bond very well. Makes me wish I had me own with me wife, however, the circumstances were all wrong.
We all have our paradise, and our hell. Slainte Pablo! Always . J. ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️🙏🙏