Tanks a Million Nay Billions and Billions
One year completed hopefully many more to go
Today is the start of my second year on Medium following a very fruitful, wonderful first year. I am so blessed to be among so many talented people, many of who have become good friends.
Thank you all so very much! Publishers, friends readers and of course Medium, for your exceptionally valuable support, which has kept my mind
on the right side of sanity and out of trouble during this pandemic!
Ubuntu! I am because you are.
Myself and close friend Gerry Gaffney would say to each other
when parting company, “Always”. This saying is very close to my heart.
So this actually does really mean something at the end of my pieces.
Unfortunately, Gerry is no longer with us, his tragic story was the last piece of a year’s writing, called, “Gerry”. A piece called “Lived in Face,” for, Gerry was also the first I had published here on Medium.
Emoji’s are a small way of adding a little extra thank you along with a bit of humour, I hope they don’t annoy you.
So to all of you wonderful stars, “Tanks a million!” (as they say in Ireland),
for your inspiration and guidance. Today is the start of a new writing year.
“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” — Sylvia Plath.
The one below was my first of 487 pieces published on Medium in my first year.
From the top, bottom and middle of my heart. Always. J.🙏☘️✨
Thank you as always, Medium & Medium Staff for accepting and publishing this piece. 🙏🙏 Aye, I know.
Thank you all, for your precious time, reading, responding and support.
Always. J. 🙏✨☘️
For old times sake.
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the desire to write that thoughts acquire speed, the mind acquires words,
words become Poetry. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
Frank Herbert and Me. You still here. Impressive!🙏